Priority I - Quality: Fundamental to everything we do


  1. Create a Salus “community of excellence” that consists of: (a) qualified and diverse students, faculty, staff and Board of Trustee members; and (b) engaged alumni, philanthropic partners and external stakeholders and constituents.
  2. Explore strategic alliances that enhance Salus’ mission, the student experience, operations and fiscal performance.
  3. Strengthen and grow Salus’ educational and clinical programs.
  4. Develop and implement curricula that prepare graduates for successful practice, influential participation and leadership positions within the current and future healthcare and education environments.
  5. Ensure a respectful, engaged and efficient culture amongst the University workforce.
  6. Sustain an environment that promotes a culture of excellence in research that develops and expands scholarly activities that lead to improved education, health and well-being.

Priority II - Innovation: Salus setting the pace


  1. Provide leadership that impacts the future of healthcare, education and professional practice.
    1. Explore and implement innovative models of education for domestic and
      international markets, including competency-based assessments and
      stackable credit opportunities.
    2. Engage accreditors and regulators to ensure that requirements match the current and projected healthcare landscape.
    3. Model leadership to advance integration.
      1. Develop an operational core curriculum of inter-professional collaborative
        practices and education.
    4. Be on the front end of metaverse learning.
  2. ÐÓ°É´«Ã½ best practices in technologies, teaching methodologies, policy development and evidence-based approaches that foster excellence in education, clinical practices and University operations.

Priority III - Fiscal responsibility: Excellence requires good stewardship


  1. Provide a superior educational experience that represents a best value in graduate and professional education, which enables graduates to achieve personal and professional goals.
  2. Develop philanthropic and extramural support to enhance scholarships and support the University’s educational, clinical and research programs.
  3. Ensure transparency and accountability in all University processes and operations.
  4. Advance and actively facilitate attainable, value-based education.

Annually, we establish measurable objectives aligned with these University Priorities and Goals.