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Gurwood, AS, Cohen, B.M. Current Concepts in Refractive Surgery. British Journal of Optometry and Dispensing 1999;7(2): 45 - 50.
Sowka, J.W.,Gurwood, AS, Kabat, A. The Handbook of Ocular Disease Management, 3 rd edition. Review of Optometry Supplement 1999;136(3): 1A - 67A.
Gurwood, AS, Dente, C.M. The Far Reaching Effects of Thyroid disease. Review of Optometry Journal 1999;136(2): 94 – 100.
Gurwood, AS, Ari, A.B. Managing Hyphema, A Review. British Journal of Optometry and Dispensing 1999;7(1): 5 - 12.
Gurwood, AS, Dente, C.M. Current Concepts for Managing Corneal Abrasion. British Journal of Optometry and Dispensing1998;6(4): 127 - 133.
Chronister, C.L.,Gurwood, AS Type 2 Diabetes in Association with HIV - 1 Protease Inhibitors in HIV - infected Patients. Journal of The American Optometric Association 1998;69(11): 695 - 698.
Gurwood, AS, Brilliant, R., Malloy, K.A. The Enigma of Giant Cell Arteritis : Multidisciplinary Management of Two Cases. Journal of The American Optometric Association 1998;69(8): 501 -509.inemann 1997: 1 - 260.
Professional Honors and Activities:
Appointed Co – editor of The American Academy of Optometry, Primary Care Section’s Clinical Case Challenge Column. Jeff Megun and Anne Clark, Chairs.
Appointed to the Continuing Education Committee of OPTOEAST. Tom Doughrty, OD, Tom Lewis, OD Presidents.
Appointed to The Referee Panel of Clinical and Experimental Optometry Journal, AUS, H. Barry Collin, Editor.
Appointed to The American Academy of Optometry Leadership Team, Louis Schoenbrun, Executive Director.
Appointed to The Editorial Board of Optometry Today Journal, Nigel Burnett Hodd, Editor.
Appointed to The Editorial Review Board of Optometric Management Journal, Larisa Hubbs, Executive Editor.
Appointed Chairperson of American Academy of Optometry Section of Primary Care 2001 AAO Section Symposium, The American Academy of Optometry, Stephen Chun, OD, Jeff Megan, OD Co-chairs
Recognized at the state level by the Pennsylvania Optometric Association and at the national level by The American Optometric Association as The Young Optometrist of The Year, 1998.
Other activities include serving on the editorial review boards for the journals entitled
The Journal of The American Optometric Association
The Southern Journal of Optometry
Review of Optometry
Optometric Management
Editor of the column " Diagnostic Quiz " for the Review of Optometry