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Fligor BJ, Cox LC. Output levels of commercially available compact disc players and the potential risk to hearing. Ear and Hearing 2004;25:513-27.
Portnuff CDP, Fligor BJ, Arehart KH. New measurement techniques for portable listening devices: technical report. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2013;61(10): 1-6.
Fligor BJ. Pediatric ototoxicity: current trends and management. Seminars in Hearing, 2019;40(2): 154-161.
Neitzel RL, Fligor BJ. Risk of noise-induced hearing loss due to recreational sound: review and recommendations. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 2019;146(5): 3911-3921.
Professional Activities:
Clinical Advisor for 3DP4ME, NGO based in Amman, Jordan, developing local infrastructure for underserved populations of children with hearing loss in Jordan, including Syrian refugees.
Co-founding clinical strategic advisor for Lantos Technologies, Inc.
Clinical Advisory Board member of Neuromod Devices, LTD.
Professional Certifications:
General Board Certification from American Board of Audiology
Pediatric Audiology Specialty Certification from American Board of Audiology