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Dr. Kaiser is a 1989 graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry and she completed a Primary Care Residency at The Eye Institute in 1990.
Role at Salus University:
Pennsylvania College of Optometry
Director, Traineeship Program
Coordinator for the Clinical Skills Course and Laboratory
Lecturer and Coordinator of the Special Topics in Environmental Optometry Course
The Eye Institute, Primary Care Staff Optometrist; Director, Quality Assurance
Clinical Specialty:Â
Primary care, computer vision, industrial vision
Kaiser HM. Loss of Vision After Surgery: What’s the Cause? Bilateral Vision Loss after Oophorectomy Surgery. Case Presentation on Medscape Optometry Web MD Medical Journal, July 2014.
Chronister CL, Kaiser H, Pagani JM. Progressive outer retinal necrosis in a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Clin Exp Optom 2011; 94: 4: 389-392.
Pagani JM, Kaiser HM, Chronister CL. Recommendations from the Quality Assurance Committee. Review of Optometry. Vol. 144. No.11, P. 27-34, Nov 2007.
Kaiser HM, Pagani JM. Isolated Retinal Venous Macroaneurysm. Optometry – Journal of the American Optometric Association, Vol. 76, No. 9, 522-5. Sept 2005
Kaiser HM. "Ocular Manifestations of Hematologic Disease", In Blaustein BH., ed., Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease. Boston, MA: Churchill Livingstone, 1994: pp. 165-178.
Kaiser HM. and Shust MA. "An Atypical Presentation of Arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy", Optometry Today, Sept 1993.
Kaiser HM. "A Tour Through a Gallery of Lid Lesions: How to Differentiate Eyelid Lumps and Bumps", Review of Optometry, July 1992.
Kaiser HM. and Pagani JM. "Garden Variety Conjunctivitis". In Catania L., ed., Primary Care Practical Hints. Philadelphia, PA: Primary Care Publications, 1991.
Presentations at the American Academy of Optometry or South East Council of Optometry:
Development of Slit Lamp Blue-light Filters to Reduce Risk of Photochemical Retinal Damage in Optometry Students Learning Slit Lamp Ophthalmoscopy
Urgent Care Facility Misdiagnoses HSV Disciform Keratitis
Significant Correlation of Grit Survey to Spring Refractive Practical Results in First Year Optometry Students
Student Self-Assessment of Refractive Practical Preparation as Compared to their Testing Results
Energy drink consumption and the acute caffeine induced intraocular pressure changes in a young healthy population
In Office Infection Control Procedures to Prevent the Transmission of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Eye Pain and Cataract in patient with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
Heteronymous Bilateral Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Following Surgical Oophrectomy
Acute Ptosis and Diplopia in patient with Castleman’s Disease.
“Utilization of a Simulation Model to Facilitate Learning of Binocular Indirect and Slit Lamp Ophthalmoscopy Skills”
"Retrospective Review of Computer Related Symptoms, Diagnoses, and Treatment in an Urban Based Computer Vision Clinic"
"First Reported Case of Sixth Cranial Nerve Palsy Associated with Glucophage therapy in a Diabetic Patient"
"Pseudo Arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy"
"Pseudo Accommodative Esotropia and Patient with Pediatric Pseudotumor Cerebri"
"An Atypical Presentation of Arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy"
"Herpes Zoster Infection and Reiter's Syndrome in an AIDS Patient"
"Vitritis and Anterior Uveitis Secondary to Active Toxoplasmosis"
Academy Presentation - "Polaroid Ocular Photography as an Innovative Method of Assessing Ophthalmoscopy Skills"
Professional Honors and Activities:
Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry
American Optometric Association
Pennsylvania Optometric Association
Philadelphia County Optometric Society
International Who's Who of Professionals
Dr. Helene Kaiser has lectured nationally and internationally on Computer Vision and Ocular Disease.