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PhD, Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Texas at Dallas
MS, Audiology, Vanderbilt University
BA, Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Florida
Role at Salus University:
Director, Pennsylvania Ear Institute
Associate Professor, Osborne College of Audiology, Residential Program
Clinical Specialty:
Pediatric Audiology
Professional Certification:
ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology
Selected Representative Publications:
Book Chapter. Bondurant, L. (2016). Inclusion and students with communication impairments. In F. Obiakor & J. Bakken (Eds.), General and Special Education Inclusion in an Age of Change: Impact on Students with Disabilities (Advances in Special Education, Volume 31) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.179 - 198.
Book Chapter. Bondurant, L. (2015). Role of audiologists in special services. In F. Obiakor & J. Bakken (Eds.), Advances in Special Education; Vol 30B. Somerville, MA: Emerald Group Publishing.
Book Chapter. Smaldino, J., Kreisman, B., John, A., & Bondurant, L. (2014). Room acoustics and auditory rehabilitation technology. In J. Katz, L. Hood, M. Chasin, K. Tillery, K. English, & I. Katz (Eds.), Handbook of clinical audiology, seventh edition. Philadelphia: Lipincott Williams & Wilkins.
Refereed Poster. Bondurant, LM, & Violetto, D. (April 2017). Stimulus matters: A comparison of threshold accuracy for children and adults. Presented at the Academy Research Conference of the American Academy of Audiology, Indianapolis, IN.
Refereed Poster. Seeman, S. Bondurant, LM, Buskirk, L., & Theodosopoulos, K. (April 2017). Noise matters: An assessment of two DPOAE screening devices in quiet and noise. Presented at the American Academy of Audiology Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Refereed Poster. Bondurant, LM, Sedunov, E., Drexel, S. & Leighty, R. (April 2017). A case study on late-identified high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss in preadolescence. Presented at the American Academy of Audiology Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Invited Presentation. Bondurant, LM. (January 2017). Ethics and professionalism: Considerations for interdisciplinary teamwork. Presented at Illinois Academy of Audiology Conference, Chicago, IL.
Refereed Presentation. Bondurant, LM, Lartz, M., & Meehan, T. (November 2016). Preparing Audiologists & SLPs to collaborate in early intervention for children with hearing loss. Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Refereed Presentation. Bondurant, LM & Violetto, D. (July 2016). A FRESH look at stimulus type in behavioral testing. Presented at the Hearing Across the Lifespan Conference, Cernobbio, Italy.
Refereed Presentation. Lartz, M., Meehan, T., & Bondurant, LM (March 2016). Preparing audiologists and developmental therapists to collaborate in EI. Presented at the 15th annual Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Conference, San Diego, CA. Refereed Presentation. Bondurant, LM (October 2015). Community-based education model for promoting early childhood hearing outreach. Presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition for Global Hearing Health, Washington, DC.
Guest Lecture. Bondurant, LM (August 2014). Psychosocial aspects of hearing loss in children. Presented at the Rush University Doctor of Audiology Program, Pediatric Aural Rehabilitation course, Chicago, IL.
Invited Presentation. Bondurant, LM (June 2014). Audiology 101: A primer for parents. Presented at the annual Preschool Institute for Families of Children with Hearing Loss, Jacksonville, IL.