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MSc, All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, India
BS, All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, India
Role At Salus University:
Dean, Osborne College of Audiology
Professor, Audiology, Residential Program
Research/Clinical Specialty:
Interprofessional Education: Models of learning and Outcomes Assessment
Auditory cognition: Perception of complex sounds (e.g., speech)
Effects of signal processing (in auditory prosthesis such as cochlear implants) on perceptual context effects
Perceptual learning in the auditory system
Neurophysiologic correlates of spectral information in the lower brain stem using Electrophysiological data (Frequency Following Responses)
Selected Representative Publications:
Aravamudhan, R., and Lotto A. J. Context effects in adult cochlear implant users. (Under Review)
Aravamudhan, R. and Vitek. M. Implementing interprofessional education in the non-acute health care setting. Abstract submitted to be presented at the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders. 2015, April 15-18. Newport, CA.
Casser, L., Verma, S., Aravamudhan, R., Lueders, K., Scott, D., Vitek. M., Deputy, T and Di Stefano, A. (2014). Interprofessional Educational Initiatives at Salus University. Poster presented at National Academies of Practice.
Aravamudhan, R., Vitek, M., DiStefano, A., and Casser,L.(2014) Role of interprofessional education in healthcare education: A report using problem-based learning approach at Salus University. Abstract submitted and accepted to be presented at 2014 ASHA Convention.
Aravamudhan, R., DiStefano, A., Vitek, M and Casser, L. (2014). Interprofessional education initiatives at Salus University: A unique perspective in both didactic and clinical education. Abstract accepted to be presented at the IPE conference at Jefferson.
Lesinski, S.G., Prewitt, J., Bray, V., Aravamudhan, R., Bermeo, B., Oscar A, F., Brenda, L., and Ward, J. (2014). Preservation of auditory brainstem response thresholds after cochleostomy and titanium microactuator implantation in the lateral wall of Cat scala tympani. Otology and Neurotology. 35 (4). 730 -738
Aravamudhan, R. and Lotto, A.J. (2005). Phonetic Context effects in adult Cochlear Implant users and NH simulations, ASHA KIRAN, Article in the fall edition of the Asian –Indian Caucus, 4-5, November.
Aravamudhan, R., Lotto A. J., and Hawks, J.W. (2008). Perceptual context effects of speech & non-speech sounds: The role of auditory categories. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. 124 (3).1695-1703.
Research Presentations/Abstracts:
Aravamudhan, et al. Role of interprofessional education in healthcare education: A report using problem-based learning approach at Salus University. Abstract submitted to 2014 ASHA Convention.
Aravamudhan & Lotto. (2013). Study of Neural Representations of Spectrally Degraded Signals Using FFR. Invited presentation at AudiologyNOW! Anaheim, CA.
Hill, W and Aravamudhan, R. (2012).Chirp Vs. Click Evoked ABR: Comparison of Wave Latency and Amplitude in Adults. Poster presented at Audiology Now! April, Boston.
Aravamudhan, R., Calantoni., S and Lau, A.(2010). Significance of 2000 Hz audibility to maximize word recognition scores. Poster presentation at ASHA Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
Aravamudhan, R., Carbonell, K.M., and Lotto, A.J. (2010). Presence of preceding sound affects the neural representation of speech sounds: Frequency following response data. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 128. 2322-2322.
Carbonell, K.M., Aravamudhan, R., and Lotto, A.J. (2010). Presence of preceding sound affects the neural representation of speech sounds: Behavioral data. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 128. 2322-2322.
Kim, Y.J., Schultz, S., Wartinger, F., Goyne, T and Aravamudhan, R. (2010). Efficacy of Ling Six Sound Test as a verification measure of hearing aids in adults. Poster presented at Audiology Now! April, CA.
Datta, H., Aravamudhan, R., Obler, L and Grover, V. (2010). "Indian English" dialect, its lexical and morphosyntactic characteristics, implications for assessment. Invited presentation at ASHA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Aravamudhan, R. (2009). Neural representation of speech sounds: Study using frequency following response. Invited presentation at Acoustical Society of America, TX.
Aravamudhan, R., Dabrowski, P. (2009) “Making Clinical Decisions Based on the Best Available Evidence”. AudiologyNOW!. April, TX.
Aravamudhan, R and Lotto, A.J. (2007). Phonetic context effects in normal-hearing listeners using acoustic simulations of cochlear implant signal. Research presentation at the Acoustical Society of America, UT.
Aravamudhan, R and Lotto, A.J. (2006). “It's all about the context - phonemic identification in NH and CI listeners”. 13th Annual Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology Convention, September 29, Harrisburg, PA. (Recipient of Best presentation Award)
Aravamudhan, R and Lotto, A.J. (2006). Context effects in adult Cochlear Implant users and Normal Hearing Simulations. Research presentation at the American Academy of Audiology, April, MN.
Aravamudhan, R and Lotto, A.J. (2005). Phonetic Context effects in adult Cochlear Implant users. Research presentation at the Acoustical Society of America, MN.
Aravamudhan, R and Lotto, A.J. (2005). Phonetic Context effects in adult Cochlear Implant users. Research presentation at the Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, CA.
Aravamudhan, R and Lotto, A.J. (2005). Phonetic Context effects in adult Cochlear Implant users. Research presentation at the 10th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Dallas, TX.
Aravamudhan, R., & Lotto, A. J. (2004). Perceptual overshoot in listeners with cochlear implants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116, 2523.
Aravamudhan, R. & Hawks, J. (2004). Role of training in perceptual overshot with nonspeech sounds. Poster presented at Acoustical Society of America, NY.
Aravamudhan, R. & Hawks, J. (2004). Role of experience in elicitation of perceptual overshoot. Poster presented at American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
Aravamudhan, R. & Hawks, J. (2003). Perceptual overshoot in speech and nonspeech sounds, Poster presented at Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, TN.
Aravamudhan, R. & Klich, R. (2002). Variability in F2 transitions CV contexts, Research talk at Ohio Speech & Hearing Association, Dayton, OH.
Aravamudhan, R & Schmidt, A. (2001). Training /v/ and /w/ perception in Indian subjects. Poster presented at Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL.
Professional Activities/Recognition/Awards:
Vice President for Academic Affairs in Audiology, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Accepted to attend “Women in Education Leadership” workshop at Harvard University.
Pennsylvania Lions Hearing Research Foundation, Inc. Grant for “Understanding the neurophysiologic representation of spectral information in speech,” (2008 - 2009).
Recipient of “Best Professional Poster” award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology (2006).
Research Associate at Boys Town National Research Hospital, Omaha, NE (2004 – 2005)
Recipient of NIH funded mentored research grant for American Auditory Society (2004).
Recipient of travel awards for conference presentations from Graduate Student Senate, Kent State University, Kent, OH. (1999 - 2004).
“Perceptual Overshoot in Speech and Nonspeech Sounds” Student Research Grant, Graduate Student Senate, Kent State University (2003).
Best Student Research Award, Graduate Student Senate, Kent State University (2003).
University Fellowship, Research and Graduate Studies (2002 & 2003).
Aarti Venkatraman Gold medal for excellence in academic performance in M.Sc, AIISH, Mysore, India (1999).
AIISH Merit scholarship for 5 years for excellence in Academic performance from Mysore University, AIISH, India (1994 -1999).
Professional Certifications:
Member of Acoustical Society of America
Member of American Academy of Audiology (FAAA)
Member of American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (CCC-A)