Faculty Focus: Dr. Jenny Rajan


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Faculty Focus: Dr. Jenny Rajan

Jenny Rajan, AuD '09, wears a number of hats at Salus University's Osborne College of Audiology (OCA) - assistant professor, clinical preceptor at the Pennsylvania Ear Institute (PEI) and faculty advisor for the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA). She was also the on-site preceptor for the International Clinical Experience visits to the National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH) in Kerala, India.

Dr. Jenny RajanAs if she isn't already busy enough, Dr. Rajan is also now a student in the University's Biomedicine PhD program. That makes her a teacher, a student and a mom - all while trying to navigate the challenges presented during a pandemic. No easy task to negotiate for anyone, but something that motivates Dr. Rajan to stay focused and determined.

"I don't know anyone who hasn't in one form or another been affected by the pandemic. For me, I had to quickly learn how to balance multiple roles, which was more than I ever thought I could handle," she said. "Being a parent, a teacher to fifth-and seventh-graders, working from home and completing my own assignments as a student, the term 'work-life balance' has taken on new meaning."

She mentioned finding balance was complicated. "Setting realistic expectations, taking frequent mental and physical health breaks, asking for help when needed and establishing a routine is what is getting my family and me through these challenging times," she said.

Dr. Jenny RajanAfter earning her undergraduate degree from Penn State, Dr. Rajan earned her master's degree from Hofstra University in Hempstead,N.Y., at a time when it was the entry-level degree for audiologists.

"While practicing as an audiologist, I decided to go back to school and earn my AuD through the distance online AuD bridge program (at Salus), which gave me the flexibility to continue working," said Dr. Rajan. "It has been one of the best professional decisions I've made."

Graduating from Salus OCA and now teaching at her alma mater has fostered a love for being part of the Salus family.

"There are so many reasons I like teaching at Salus - but most importantly, it's the people," she said. "Students bring their eagerness to learn and improve (their) clinical and critical thinking skills. Faculty and staff work cooperatively, with shared goals of educating highly qualified and competent future audiologists. The administration works to create an environment that supports faculty development and continuing education. Last but not least, the everyday friendly faces I was used to seeing from Reflections Café, security, the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and all those who work behind the scenes in keeping our ship afloat, especially during these unprecedented times."

Dr. Jenny Rajan and family selfie with their bikesWhen she does have a moment, Dr. Rajan loves riding her bike and taking long walks with her family - husband Wynn and daughters Sophia and Alexa - to explore new hiking trails, the most recent discovery being a six-mile route near a lake at Peace Valley Park in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She also enjoys playing with the family's Golden Retriever "Buddy," watching her daughters perform Indian classical and modern dancing, painting and playing the piano.

"We are all on this journey, and sometimes when we run into roadblocks, we start to question things," she said. "Learn to embrace the highs and remain resilient through the lows. All of these unique experiences are meant to shape us into the unique individuals we are."

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