Faculty are the backbone of academic institutions inspiring and influencing students daily in the classroom, in clinical facilities, and out in the field. Our renowned faculty combined with low student to teacher ratio helps students become the best healthcare professionals they can be. But did you know that often in their spare time, Salus faculty engage in extracurricular activities and have a diversified skill set ranging from artists, athletes, conservationists and more?
This is the first of a series featuring some fun faculty facts and how Salus faculty spend their spare time.
Bre Myers, AuD '06, PhD '17, CH-AP, assistant dean for foundations in the University's Osborne College of Audiology (OCA), played roller derby for the Reading Derby Girls, a Women's Flat Track Roller Derby Association (WFTDA) nationally ranked team.
J. Chad Duncan, PhD, CRC, CPO, director and chair of the Orthotics & Prosthetics program at Salus, is rehabbing a house built in 1770 by a Quaker minister, which has a link to the underground railroad.
Brandi N. DeVeaux, MS, OTR/L, CLT, instructor in the University's Occupational Therapy program, is a violinist.
Helene Kaiser, OD '89, Resident '90, FAAO, associate professor in the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), helps raise Monarch butterflies. She has planted milkweed around her home as a food source. She then gathers Monarch eggs or baby caterpillars on the milkweed plants and raises them in her home in mesh containers until they hatch into butterflies and are released back into nature. (Some photos are below).
Stanley Hatch, OD, MPH, FAAO, chief of the Pediatric/Binocular Vision Services at The Eye Institute, races cross country (nordic) ski races. Most races are at venues in the Adirondack Mountains such as the Olympic Sports Complex in Lake Placid. Nordic ski racing includes classic single and double pole style and freestyle skate style in distances from 1 km to 50 km. Locally, he also competes in road and trail running races with the Greater Philadelphia Track Club and the Wissahickon Wanderers club.
Do you have a fun fact you can share? Use this to submit your fun fact or email communications@salus.edu.