Notice of Merger of Salus University into Drexel University: Current Students


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Notice of Merger of Salus University into Drexel University: Current Students

As announced on June 12, 2023, Salus University intends to merge with Drexel University. Drexel and Salus intend to conduct this merger with minimal interruption to your day-to-day student life. Drexel and Salus are committed to continuing Salus University’s mission of advancing integrated healthcare through innovative education, research and clinical services.

Drexel and Salus are also committed to continuing the full complement of programs currently offered by Salus. To comply with educational regulatory requirements, the merger will be accomplished in two steps.

In the First Step, Drexel University will acquire control of Salus University, but Salus will continue to exist as a separate, degree-granting, educational institution. Once Drexel  and Salus receive all appropriate regulatory approvals, Drexel and Salus expect to complete the First Step on or about June 30, 2024.

How does this First Step impact me as a student at Salus University?

You will see few changes, if any.

  • You are still a student enrolled in your program at Salus University.  
  • You will attend classes in the same manner as you did before the First Step occurred.
  • You will have the same resident and adjunct professors and faculty.
  • You will use the same syllabus.
  • You will continue to receive the same education.

In the Second Step, Salus University will no longer be a separate, degree-granting educational institution. For the most part, the majority of current Salus programs will continue to operate under Drexel’s College of Nursing and Health Professions. For reasons of accreditation, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) will operate as a standalone college. Salus will become known as Salus at Drexel University, Elkins Park. The Second Step is subject to approval of educational regulatory agencies, and our expectation is that it will be completed during the 2025/2026 academic year.

How does this Second Step impact me as a student at Salus University?

After the Second Step, you will be a student of Drexel University.

  • You will be enrolled at the “Salus at Drexel University” campus.
  • You will attend classes in the same manner as you did before the Second Step occurred.
  • You will have the same resident and adjunct professors and faculty..
  • You will use the same textbooks and course materials.
  • You will continue to receive the same education.
My expected graduation date is after the First Step begins, but before the Second Step. What university will I receive my degree from?
All Salus students who complete their program before the Second Step will receive a degree from Salus University.
By the time I complete my program, it will be after the Second Step begins. What university will I receive my degree from?
All Salus students who complete their program after the Second Step will receive a degree from Drexel University.


For more information on the merger and how it may impact you, please see the Integration FAQ.