Interested in learning more about interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP) in a way that counts for career advancement?
The IPECP Faculty Mentorship Program is a new, professional development opportunity created by faculty for faculty and administered through the Division of Global, Interprofessional, and Specialized Programs (GISP). Developed at the request of the IPE Council, mentees will be matched with a mentors from the Council.
You’ll receive a:
- Certificate of Completion at the end of the program.
- The Faculty Development Mentorship badge upon implementation of an IPECP idea that you will develop with your mentor.
- Logic Model and Curriculum Crosswalk as specialized/enhanced teaching artifacts for your promotion portfolio.
- Communications interview/write-up in recognition of your achievement.
The expected time commitment for mentees is 10 hours (minimum) over the course of a semester and involves:
- Two required synchronous meetings with your mentor, with whom you’ll create a customized learning trajectory.
- Active participation (e.g., reading background materials, watching CE recordings, engaging with tools in a meaningful way, being responsive to email communications).
- Creation of a Logic Model and Curriculum Crosswalk for a new IPECP idea.
- A brief presentation of your ready-to-implement idea to the IPE Council at its June 2025 meeting.
- Participation in an end-of-program debriefing with other mentees and mentors.
All program content will be available through the IPECP Clearinghouse, a new course in Blackboard. Clearinghouses are central repositories for collection, classification, and distribution, especially of information; the IPECP Clearinghouse contains information, links to/downloads of articles, tools, journals, and other resources.
To apply, submit the . For additional information, contact