The Osborne College of Audiology, Doctor of Audiology On-Campus Program, accepts applications through the Communication Science and Disorders Centralized Application Service (CSDCAS).
The processing of applications by CSDCAS () begins mid-July, one year prior to the year of desired enrollment. Applications must be submitted on or before June 30 of the year of desired enrollment.
- Student application reviews begin when an application is verified.
- Interviews are scheduled and initiated, beginning in October.
- Candidates meeting the requirements are admitted on a weekly basis until class capacity is reached.
See a profile of the most recent Entering Four-Year Class (PDF)
It is to an applicant’s advantage to apply as early as possible to ensure priority consideration for admission.
The Osborne College of Audiology actively seeks individuals from every state in the nation as well as worldwide who bring diverse life experiences and who desire to become audiologists.
- Submit a properly completed application to the . Detailed instructions regarding the completion of the application and the personal statement are provided on the CSDCAS website.
- Complete a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university, prior to enrollment. Alternatively, be enrolled in a 3+4 audiology program through an affiliated institution with 90 credits minimum completed, prior to enrollment.
- Submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended (or currently attending) directly to CSDCAS.
- Complete admissions prerequisites at the college level with a grade of ‘C-’ or better. It is recommended that students with less than a 2.8 grade point average should consult the Office of Admissions prior to applying.
- Submit three letters of recommendation. Arrange to have forwarded directly to CSDCAS the following letters of recommendation:
- Two letters must be written by teaching faculty members whom have taught you in a course.
- One letter must come from a practicing audiologist.
- A third letter from a teaching faculty member may be submitted in lieu of a letter from an audiologist.
- The references should be from persons familiar with the applicant's academic work, employment record, and/or personal characteristics.
- Observe a practicing audiologist for at least one day (minimum of 7.5 hours) in order to be familiar with the role of the audiologist as a member of the healthcare team.
- Optional: Submit Graduate Record Exam (GRE) score results.
- If submitting scores, results may be sent directly to CSDCAS.
- Completion of the GRE is required within three years of your desired entrance date to the Program.
- International Students, please review any additional requirements in the drop down section below.
- All credentials submitted on behalf of an applicant become a part of that applicant’s file with the University and cannot be returned.
- Students will be required to meet University compliance requirements upon matriculation.
An applicant must have completed a minimum of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited undergraduate college or university, prior to enrollment.
The prerequisite courses listed below must completed with a 'C-' or better. An applicant need not have completed all prerequisites prior to filing an application but must be able to complete all outstanding prerequisites prior to enrolling.
- Basic Sciences (e.g., Biology, Chemistry, Physics) – 1/2 year
- Physics or Hearing Science – 1/2 year
- Mathematics or Statistics – 1/2 year (Calculus highly recommended)
- Social Sciences – 1/2 year
- English Composition or Literature – 1/2 year
Prerequisite credits completed ten or more years prior to the anticipated entrance date will be reviewed for approval on an individual basis.
Additional Courses (highly recommended, but not required)
- Hearing Science and Introduction to Audiology
- Anatomy, Physiology and/or Neurobiology
- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
- Pre-calculus or Calculus (to include logarithms)
- Psychology and/or Counseling
For applicants who have attended foreign and French-Canadian schools, please provide the Office of Admissions with the following information:
- A course-by-course credential review from a recognized agency which evidences all post-secondary studies completed. Please consult agency’s web site for requirements to complete the evaluation.
- Recommended agencies include:
- An official evaluation may be sent from the agency directly to CSDCAS.
- .
Fluency in written and spoken English is essential for success in a Salus University academic program as well as to help ensure patient/client/student safety and/or effective communication with members of a healthcare or education team.
Official results from the TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Essentials, IELTS or Duolingo examination are required of all non-native English speakers. One of these approved exams must be taken within two years prior to the start date of the entering class to which an applicant seeks admission.
- If submitting TOEFL scores, please use the CSDCAS code of C112.
- If submitting an approved alternate English proficiency exam, please send scores directly to Salus University, Office of Admissions.
While we recommend that applicants submit TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Essentials, IELTS or Duolingo, exceptions will be considered for foreign applicants who meet one of the following criteria*:
- successfully completed a degree or diploma held from an accredited, post-secondary institution where the coursework was entirely in English, and provide evidence that it was conducted in English; or
- successfully completed, and provide evidence of, an approved English language learner’s program
*Note: All exemption materials and other appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and subject to the admission committee’s final discretion. Should any exceptions not be accepted toward the English language requirement, the Office of Admissions will inform the applicant of an alternative to fulfill it.
The Admissions Committee has established policies that include the selection of applicants best qualified to serve the public and the profession in the years to come. Many factors are considered in selecting students for our program, including:
- academic performance
- motivation
- extracurricular activities and interests
- related and unrelated work experience
- personal achievements
- essays
- letters of evaluation
- communication skills, including a demonstrated command of the English language, both written and oral
When evaluating academic performance, the applicant’s grade point average, performance in prerequisite courses, number of college credits completed, and degree status are taken into consideration.
Admissions Selection Process (PDF) - On-Campus Audiology Program
Individuals successfully meeting the required admissions selection criteria may receive an invitation to interview, which provides further insight into the applicant’s character and motivation, and allows an applicant the opportunity to meet with an Admissions staff member to discuss his or her application, tour our campus and meet with faculty and students.
An applicant may be notified of his or her acceptance as early as October, prior to the desired year of enrollment. Upon receipt of acceptance, an applicant is required to pay a $1,000 matriculation fee to the University prior to the start of classes, payable as follows:
- Return the matriculation form along with a $250 deposit within 14 days of the date of the acceptance letter.
- The balance of $750 for the matriculation fee is due April 15.
- If accepted after April 15, the offer of acceptance will detail payment requirements.
- All monies received above are non-refundable and will be applied toward first term fees.
Students may be required to complete various compliance requirements (i.e. background checks or immunizations) in order to participate in clinical experiences and interact with patients at Salus-owned clinics. Please contact the Office of Student Affairs for the most up-to-date requirements for a specific program.
Enrolled students who withdraw or are dismissed from the University will be responsible for the payment of tuition in accordance with the institutional refund schedule.
The AuD degree program at Salus University is designed to prepare students to enter the profession as a generalist with the knowledge, skills and values necessary to perform successfully all the required functions associated with the scope of practice as an entry-level audiologist.
The Technical Standards of Salus University Osborne College of Audiology reflect the essential qualities, abilities and functions that are required of student’s pursuing the “Doctor of Audiology” (AuD) degree. Meeting these Technical Standards is required of entering students and must be continually demonstrated throughout the student's progress in the AuD degree program.
The following standards were adopted with the awareness that a balance must be achieved between competing interests:
- the rights of applicants and students;the safety of students, their co-workers, and patients;the significant clinical education component of the College’s curricula;the accreditation requirements for the College; and the conditions for licensure of our graduates.
The institution upholds a public health responsibility to ensure its graduates are competent; capable individuals prepared to provide benefit to the community in which they practice. Therefore, it is important that the individual student investing their time be fully knowledgeable of the qualities, abilities and functions deemed necessary to succeed in this rigorous educational program.
In keeping with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the University’s philosophy, we are committed to providing students with adequate opportunity to meet these technical standards and equal access to the AuD program. As part of our commitment, the University provides qualified individuals the opportunity to request and receive reasonable accommodations and related services.
Students, with either an identified disability or concern that they may have a disability, that impairs their ability to perform any of the tasks identified as essential to the clinical practice of audiology, are encouraged to seek appropriate University services. If a student wishes to request accommodations, it is their responsibility to identify themselves to the Office for Academic Success in the Office of Student Affairs and to follow the accommodations request procedure as explained at new student orientation and specified in the Student Handbook.
The competing interests and requirements of the clinical components of the educational program may prevent some prospective students from progressing through the program if they cannot meet these technical standards, with or without reasonable accommodations. Individuals with visual, auditory, physical and/or psychosocial impairments severe enough to require an intermediary may find that they are unable to meet these technical standards with or without reasonable accommodations. During the program, should a student become unable to maintain these technical standards, with or without reasonable accommodations, the student may be required to take a leave of absence from the program or be subject to dismissal.
The intent of these technical standards is to guide students in making an informed decision regarding clinical audiology as a career. To complete the AuD curriculum and enter practice as a licensed audiologist, all students must possess abilities and skills in the domains of communication, intellectual-cognitive, motor, sensory-observational and behavioral-social that are consistent with the skill sets of doctoral-level, health care providers.
Students should carefully review the following Technical Standards to determine whether or not they can meet these standards (with or without accommodation) before matriculating into the program.Communication Skills (all in Standard English)Students must possess the ability:
- To communicate effectively (elicit, convey and clarify information) with patients, patients’ support networks, faculty, staff, peers, other health care professionals and the general public, utilizing oral, written and non-verbal communication modes.To understand the content presented in the educational program and to adequately complete all assignments in the specified timeframe.To complete all assignments in the timeframe specified and to synthesize accurately and quickly large volumes of information presented in different formats.To understand and utilize non-verbal communication in order to meet curricular and clinical demands.To synthesize and apply course content to patient care through written and oral presentation. To modify communication styles to meet the audiences’ communication needs.To share, elicit and record information from patients, preceptors, peers and other health care professionals verbally and in a recorded format observing.To communicate effectively and professionally in person, over the phone and in electronic format.
The demonstration of sufficient skills in written and spoken standard English may be accomplished by passing the Test of Spoken English (TSE), Speaking Proficiency English Assessment Kit (SPEAK) and The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with scores of 60, 230 and 250, respectively. Cognitive Abilities Students must be able to demonstrate higher-level cognitive abilities, including:
- memory and retention rationale thought and conceptualization quantitative measurement and calculation-visual-spatial comprehension organization, analysis and synthesis representation (oral, written, diagrammatic, three-dimensional)clinical reasoning, ethical reasoning and sound judgment
Students must possess the ability:
- To participate in a variety of modalities including classroom instruction and group collaborative activities.To acquire, comprehend, synthesize, integrate and apply a large body of written and oral information that is sufficient to meet curricular and clinical requirements.To think critically, solve complex problems and make sound clinical judgments, all in a timely fashion.To identify and utilize resources to successfully improve one’s knowledge and skills.To comprehend three-dimensional and spatial relationships.To reflect and evaluate one’s knowledge and abilities regarding academic performance and clinical skills for the purpose of identifying strengths, weaknesses, limitations and areas needing improvement.
Motor / Sensory Skills Students must possess sufficient visual, auditory, tactile and/or motor abilities to allow them to gather information:
- From written reference material oral presentations by observing a demonstration by studying medical images in multiple formats observing a patient and his/her environment by observing clinical procedures performed by others by observing digital or analog representations of physiologic phenomena
Students must possess sufficient visual, auditory, tactile and/or motor abilities to:
- Perform actions requiring coordination of gross and fine motor movement and equilibrium.Demonstrate the physical stamina to meet the demands of the classroom and clinical activities.Monitor equipment displays and controls (including hearing aids) used for the assessment and treatment of patients.Perceive and identify text, numbers, tables and graphs presented, including those associated with diagnostic instruments.Observe a patient’s activity and behavior during assessment and treatment.Interpret patient responses.Minimize inaccuracies in the flow of information. by possessing a minimum level of hearing acuity.Access transportation to academic and clinical locations.Adhere to universal precaution measures and to meet safety standards applicable to the clinical settings and educational activities.Access and utilize technology for clinical management of patients to include, but not limited to, scheduling programs, coding and billing programs, therapeutic programs and general use of computer technology in a safe and efficient manner.
Behavioral - Social Skills Students must possess the emotional health and management skills (coping mechanisms) or proactively make use of available University resources to:
- prioritize competing demands function effectively in stressful circumstances tolerate physically taxing workloads display flexibility in response to changing circumstances demonstrate integrity, respect, compassion, tolerance and acceptance of others
Students must possess the ability:
- To recognize and show respect for all individuals of different age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds and intellect.To refrain from imposing personal, religious, sexual and cultural values on others.To establish and maintain appropriate professional relationships.To demonstrate the perseverance, diligence and commitment necessary to complete the educational program requirements as directed within the allotted time.To critically evaluate her/his performance, be forthright about errors, accept constructive criticism and respond by modification of behavior.To acknowledge conflicts of interests, mistakes and adverse outcomes and cooperate in the resolution of same.To demonstrate appropriate behaviors to protect the safety and well-being of others.To place professional behavior and duties above one’s own convenience.To demonstrate acceptable social skills in professional and social interactions with others.To possess and express appropriate compassion, integrity and empathy for others.
An individual with a diagnosed psychiatric disorder may continue in the educational program as long as he or she is able to adhere to these Behavioral – Social Skills standards.